Phantom of the Opera

Set Rentals

Chandelier and Footlights - Individual Rentals (Chandelier collapses at rest on stage and straightens when raised) - With lights dimensions read at about 68” x 104”

Chandelier Drapery - With Written “CHANDELIER,666”

Proscenium Angel - 72” x 72”x 6”

Hannibal Elephant - 10’ x 8’ x 2”

Phantom Organ - with keys for Phantom to play -

Phantom Throne - Complete with disappearing act

Phantom Boat - With remote controlled motor

Candles from Candelabras - Battery Packs Provided. Candelabras not available.

Red Tableau Curtain - Fits a 47 foot stage

Il Muto Headboard and Bedspread - Individual Rental

Mausoleum and Tombstones (Angel, Cross, Crypt) - Individual Rentals. Mausoleum with written “DAAE”

Masquerade Stairs - Bottom half stairs only

Phantom Piano - Real Piano with mechanism that allows piano to seem as if it plays by itself